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33. Wu F, Muskat NH, Dvilansky I, Koren O, Shahar A, Gazit R, Elia N, Arbely E., Acetylation-dependent coupling between G6PD activity and apoptotic signaling. Nat Commun., 14(1),6208, (2023) PubMed


32. Hayun H, Arkadash V, Sananes A, Arbely E, Stepensky D, Papo N., Bioorthogonal PEGylation Prolongs the Elimination Half-Life of N-TIMP2 While Retaining MMP Inhibition. Bioconjug Chem., 33(5), 795-806, (2022) PubMed


31. Hendler A, Akiva E, Sandhu M, Goldberg D, Arbely E, Jackson CJ, Aharoni A., Human SIRT1 Multispecificity Is Modulated by Active-Site Vicinity Substitutions during Natural Evolution. Mol Biol Evol., 38(2), 545-556, (2021) PubMed


30. Wang C, Wan X, Yu T, Huang Z, Shen C, Qi Q, Xiang S, Chen X, Arbely E, Ling ZQ, Liu CY, Yu W., Acetylation Stabilizes Phosphoglycerate Dehydrogenase by Disrupting the Interaction of E3 Ligase RNF5 to Promote Breast Tumorigenesis. Cell Rep. 32(6), 10802, (2020) PubMed


29. Wan, X., Wang, C., Huang, Z., Zhou, D., Xiang, S., Qi, Q., Chen, X., Arbely, E., Liu, C.Y., Du, P. and Yu, W., Cisplatin inhibits SIRT3-deacetylation MTHFD2 to disturb cellular redox balance in colorectal cancer cell. Cell Death & Disease 11(8), 649, (2020) PubMed


28. Rosenfeld, L., Sananes, A., Zur, Y., Cohen, S., Dhara, K., Gelkop, S., Ben Zeev, E., Shahar, A., Lobel, L., Akabayov, B., Arbely, E., Papo, N., Nanobodies Targeting Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen for the Imaging and Therapy of Prostate Cancer. J. Med. Chem. 63(14), 7601-7615, (2020) PubMed


27. Kramarski, L., Arbely, E., Translational read-through promotes aggregation and shapes stop codon identity. Nucleic Acids Res. 48(7), 3747-3760, (2020) PubMed


26. Konig, A., Sorkin, R., Alon, A., Nachmias, D., , Dhara, K., Brand, G., Yifrach, O., Arbely, E., Roichman, Y., Elia, N., Live cell single molecule tracking and localization microscopy of bioorthogonally labeled plasma membrane proteinsNanoscale. 12(5), 3236-3248, (2020) PubMed


25. Segal, I., Nachmias, D., Konig, A., Alon, A., Arbely, E., Elia, N,. A straightforward approach for bioorthogonal labeling of proteins and organelles in live mammalian cells, using a short peptide tagBMC Biol. 18(1):5, (2020) PubMed


24. Belo, Y., Mielko, Z., Nudelman, H., Afek, H., Ben-David, O., Shahar, A., Zarivach, R., Gordan, R., Arbely, E. Unexpected implications of STAT3 acetylation revealed by genetic encoding of acetyl-lysine. BBA Gen. Subj., 1863(9), 1343-1350, (2019) PubMed


23. Cohen, S., Kramarsky, L., Deshe, N., Ben-David, O. and Arbely, E. Nonsense mutation-dependent reinitiation of translation in mammalian cells. Nucleic Acids Res., gkz319 (2019) PubMed


22. Avrahami, M.E., Levi, S., Zajfman, E., Regev, C., Ben-David, O. and Arbely, E. Reconstitution of Mammalian Enzymatic Deacylation Reactions in Live Bacteria Using Native Acylated Substrates. ACS Syn. Bio., 7(10), 2348-2354, (2018) PubMed


21. Aloush, N., Schvartz, T., Konig, A.I., Cohen, S., Brozgol, E., Tam, B., Nachmias, D., Ben-David, O., Garini, Y., Elia, N. and Arbely, E. Live Cell Imaging of Bioorthogonally Labelled Proteins Generated With a Single Pyrrolysine tRNA Gene. Sci. Rep., 8, (2018) PubMed


20. Muzika, M., Muskat, H.N., Sarid, S., Ben-David, O., Mehl, A.R., and Arbely, E. Chemically-defined lactose-based autoinduction medium for site- specific incorporation of non-canonical amino acids into proteins. RSC Adv., 8, 25558–25567, (2018) Publisher


19. Schvartz, T., Aloush, N., Goliand, I., Segal, I., Nachmias, D., Arbely, E. and Elia, N.P  Direct fluorescent-dye labeling of α-tubulin in mammalian cells for live cell and superresolution imaging. Mol. Biol. Cell, 28(21), 2747–2756, (2017) PubMed


18. Luo, J., Arbely, E., Zhang, J., Chou, C., Uprety, R., Chin J. W., Deiters, A. Genetically Encoded Optical Activation of DNA Recombination in Human Cells. Chem. Commun., 52(55), 8529–8532, (2016) PubMed


17. Radion, V., Cohen, S., Shahar, A., Zarivach, R. and Arbely, E. Structural Basis for p53 Lys120-Acetylation-Dependent DNA-Binding Mode. J. Mol. Bio., 428(15), 3013–3025, (2016) PubMed


16. Cohen, S. and Arbely, E. Single-Plasmid-Based System for Efficient Noncanonical Amino Acid Mutagenesis in Cultured Mammalian Cells. ChemBioChem 17(11), 1008-1011, (2016) PubMed


15. Dodson, C.A. and Arbely, E. Protein folding of the SAP domain, a naturally occurring two-helix bundle. FEBS Lett., 589(15),1740-1747 (2015) PubMed


​14. Arbely, E., Torres-Kolbus, J., Deiters, A. and Chin J.W. Photocontrol of Tyrosine Phosphorylation in Mammalian Cells via Genetic Encoding of Photocaged Tyrosine. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134(29), 11912-11915, (2012) PubMed

​13. Arbely, E., Natan, E., Brandt T., Allen, M.D., Veprintsev, D.B., Robinson, C.V., Chin J.W., Joerger, A.C. and Fersht, A.R. Acetylation of Lysine 120 of p53 Endows DNA Binding Specificity at Effective Physiological Salt Concentration. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 108:8251-8256 (2011) PubMed

​12. Arbely, E., Rutherford, J.T., Neuweiler, H., Sharpe, D.T., Ferguson, N. and Fersht A.R. Carboxyl pKa-Values and Acid Denaturation of BBL. J. Mol. Bio., 403(2), 313–327 (2010)

​11. Arbely, E.∗, Neuweiler, H.∗, Sharpe, D.T., Johnson, C.M. and Fersht A.R. The Human Peripheral Subunit-Binding Domain Folds Fast While Overcoming Repulsive Coulomb Forces. Protein Science 19(9), 1704–1713 (2010) ∗Contributed equally.

​10. Arbely, E., Rutherford, J.T., Sharpe, D.T., Ferguson, N. and Fersht, A.R. Downhill versus Barrier-Limited Folding of BBL 1: Energetic and Structural Perturbation Effects upon Protonation of a Histidine of Unusually Low pKa. J. Mol. Bio., 387(4), 986–992 (2009)

9. Arkin, I.T., Xu, H., Jensen, Ø M., Arbely, E., Bennett, E.R., Bowers, K.J., Chow, E., Dror, R.O., Eastwood, M.P., Flitman-Tene R., Gregersen, B.A., Klepeis, J.L., Kolossváry, I., Shan, Y. and Shaw D.E. Mechanism of Na+/H+ Antiporting. Science, 317(5839), 799–803 (2007)

8. Khattari, Z., Arbely, E., Arkin, I.T. and Salditt, T. Viral ion channel proteins in model membranes: a comparative study by X-ray reflectivity. Eur. Biophys. J., 36(1), 45–55, (2006)

​7. Arbely, E., Granot, Z., Kass, I., Orly, J. and Arkin, I.T. A Trimerizing GxxxG Motif Is Uniquely Inserted in the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus Spike Protein Transmembrane Domain. (Cover page article) Biochemistry, 45(38), 11349–11356, (2006)

6. Khattari, Z., Brotons, G., Akkawi, M., Arbely, E., Arkin, I.T. and Salditt, T. SARS coronavirus E protein in phospholipid bilayers: an x-ray study. Biophys. J., 90(6), 2038–2050, (2006)

5. Khattari, Z., Brotons, G., Arbely, E., Arkin, I.T., Metzger, T.H. and Salditt, T. SARS E protein in phospholipid bilayers: an anomalous X-ray reflectivity study. Physica B, 357(1-2), 34–38, (2005)

​4. Arbely, E., Khattari, Z., Brotons, G., Akkawi, M., Salditt, T. and Arkin, I.T. A highly unusual palindromic transmembrane helical hairpin formed by SARS coronavirus E protein. (Cover page article) J. Mol. Bio., 341(3), 769–779 (2004)

3. Arbely, E. and Arkin, I.T. Experimental Measurement of The Strength of a Cα–H···O Bond in a Lipid Bilayer. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126(17), 5362–5363, (2004)

2. Kass, I., Arbely, E. and Arkin, I.T. Modeling sample disorder in site-specific dichroism studies of uniaxial systems. Biophys. J., 86(4), 2502–2507, (2004)

​1. Arbely, E., Kass, I. and Arkin, I.T. Site-specific dichroism analysis utilizing transmission FTIR. Biophys. J., 85(4), 2476–2483 (2003)

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